Home Remedies for an Upset Stomach

Having an upset stomach is a giant pain and can drive you nuts. It can ruin your day and is something that you want to make sure that you are looking into some great home remedies so that you can find just what is going to work for you and the best choices that are going to start making you feel better now. With these home remedies, try them out, see what works for you, and get just what you need for the upset stomach you have.

Eat Bland Starches

If your stomach is upset, you are probably trying to make sure that you don’t throw up. One great home remedy that you can use so that you can get rid of your upset stomach is to eat bland starches. With bland starches like mashed potatoes or white rice, it is a really good thing and will ensure that you are able to stop having that upset stomach and feeling better right away.

Use Ginger

There is a reason why a common home remedy for an upset stomach is ginger. There are healing properties in ginger that you need to check out so that you can get just what you need out of it. Check out eating ginger so that you are going to feel better or drink a ginger ale that is going to make you feel better too.

Eat Citrus

Eating something like an orange for a home remedy for an upset stomach is a great idea. Not only will this help you get hydration, which is really important. Make sure that you are looking into this home remedy that includes eating some great food and making yourself feel better at the same time, that is going to make a really big difference when you have an upset stomach.

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