Relaxation To Reduce Stress
In our hectic lives, it seems that many people are constantly stressed and on the verge of a meltdown. Between your cell phone ringing, those unanswered emails in your in box, your deadline at work, the water heater deciding to malfunction, and your best friend’s newest relationship crisis, you may find it very difficult to relax. The best ways to minimize your stress, are directly related to how you handle stress, but learning how to breathe deeply, yoga, and focusing on the good things in your life, are very good ways to help you calm down and relax. Breathing is something we all do instinctively, but have you ever noticed when stress starts to get to you, your breaths become shallower? The key to preventing this is to always remember to breathe deeply. It is as simple as lying flat on your back, or sitting completely straight in a chair, and inhaling deeply, while closing your eyes, and releasing the air slowly. Repeating this for about fiv...