
Showing posts from January, 2020

You Have Been Using Sanity Towels Wrong Your Entire Life !

Sanitary towels is worn between the vulva and the underwear. There are two types of sanitary towels. While others have wings that wrap under the panties to keep the pad in place the first have adhesives that stick to the panties. Sanitary towels have to be changed after every 4 to 8 hours in order to avoid it from getting over soaked.  DISPOSABLE SANITARY TOWELS Step 1 You have to remove the sanitary towels from the package and unfold it. Step 2 Sit on the toilet. To just above your kneespull your underwear down. Step 3 After that,remove the strip to reveal the adhesive on the back of the sanitary towels. There will be three stripsif you are utilizing a sanitary towels with wings. This means the main one and one on each wing. Step 4 You should press the sanitary towels, adhesive side down, onto the crotch of your underwear. Next, fold the wings, around the sides of the crotch of your underwear and finally, press them against the underneath of your panties. You have to be sure that ...

7-Day Sugar Detox Menu Plan + Shopping List

If your goal is to lose weight and detox your body, you are on the right place! Take a look at this sugar detox and weight loss plan that will help you shed the pounds and won’t make you feel cravings. This diet contains a lot of tasty meals and snacks, which means you won’t be hungry all the time, and you will eat real food. So, let’s have a look at the menu: 7-DAY SUGAR DETOX MENU PLAN 1st day Breakfast – 2 Eggs, 1 cup sautéed spinach, mushrooms, and salsa (no sugar) Early Snack – 1/2 cup of cottage cheese Lunch – Veggie soup and roasted zucchini  Midday Snack – A handful of almonds Dinner – Chicken drumsticks with lemon and garlic, a green bean salad Late Snack – Vanilla and chia pudding (dairy and sugar free) 2nd day Breakfast – 2 scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese Early Snack – A handful of almonds Lunch -Cheesy sweet pepper poppers Midday Snack – 3 hard-boiled eggs (whites only) Dinner -Roasted chicken stuffed with tomato, feta, spinach, and cucumber salad on the side Lat...

Find Out The Reason Why Your Stomach Hurts

Abdominal pain is not harmful in most of the situations, but on the contrary side, in some cases it may be the sign of a severe disease. If you know to identify the exact location of the pain in your abdomen, you can actually diagnose what is the disease that you are suffering from. This is still not enough to do, in order to have the confirmation for your predictions; it is important that you consult your doctor for fixing this problem. Strong abdominal pain in almost every situation means that you are suffering from a severe disease. Even if your stomach pain is not strong but lasts for long, you need to pay attention because you may suffer from a chronic disorder that needs to be treated instantly! It is obvious to feel your stomach hurt from time to time, but when the same type of abdominal pain lasts for more than two weeks, you should immediately see your doctor. If this is not your case, it is still a good thing to take a routine control, so that you make sure that your mild abd...

Cure Your Toothache In a Minute With These 6 Home Remedies

Toothaches are both painful and extremely stressful and if you don’t have the right medicine lying around, you’re in for a world of suffering. These quick fixes only require items you most likely already have at home and they’ll take only a few minutes to relieve your pain. However, women who are pregnant or who are breastfeeding moms and people suffering from other serious illnesses should avoid these remedies as there may be side-effects. It is best to speak to your dentist before trying any of them. Combine half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and wash your mouth with it. Saline water has powerful cleansing qualities and can make you feel better in minutes. Using it as mouthwash can remove the harmful germs from your mouth. It also prevents your cheeks from getting swollen and makes your gums cleaner. 1. Hydrogen peroxide is a mild antiseptic. Make a mouthwash that is three percent hydrogen peroxide and 97% water and be very careful not to swallow any of it. Not only does ...

7 Benefits Of Applying Oil To The Belly Button

Natural oils are a huge part of Ayurveda. This includes everything from essential oils to carrier oils. They can affect everything from your health, emotions, and spirituality, so they’re worth learning about. On the skin, oils can be applied absolutely anywhere. You might be surprised that the belly button is a great place to start! This seemingly normal part of your body is more important than you think. Here are 7 benefits of applying oils to the belly button. 1. Moisturizes Skin Oils are amazing for naturally moisturizing the skin. They work well on areas that are usually forgotten, like the belly button and stomach. It’s especially useful in the winter when the air is super dry. Some good options include coconut and olive oils. They have emollient effects, thanks to their fatty acid content.1 Just add a few drops and rub it on your stomach. Your skin will feel silky smooth, especially after a shower or bath. 2. Removes Dirt The belly button doesn’t get cleaned very often. It can b...

7 Reasons to Drink Warm Salt Water Every Day

Have you ever taken a drink of warm salt water in the morning? Unless you take a pre-breakfast swim in a saltwater pool and occasionally swallow an unwanted mouthful, chances are you haven’t. And while we’re on the topic, have you ever heard of Sole water? If not, that’s okay — lots of people probably haven’t. But it’s time you learned about this amazing, 100-percent natural drink. Sole water (pronounced so-lay), is not a miracle cure or hip new fad. Rather, it’s a life-supporting mixture of mineral-rich, unrefined salt and water. It supports the body’s natural ability to regulate and heal itself. The term Sole comes from the Latin sol, which means sun. For years we have been told that salt can be detrimental to our health. The idea of actually drinking salt water may sound more than a touch counter-intuitive. However, a concentrated salt solution made with 100 percent natural salt is healthy and good for your body. The average American consumes about 10 grams of salt per day, which is...

The Real Reasons You Can’t Get Pregnant !

You’re trying for some time now, but there’s still no result. You begin to wonder how do others manage to accidentally get pregnant? What’s wrong with you? There are hidden reasons you would never think of and we are revealing them to you. You’re just not calculating your fertility window right! This could be a major issue, though you would never suspect that you’re wrong. If you have an irregular period, this might toughen up the job. Using applications that you could find on your Play Store might be accurate, but with irregular menstrual periods, you should get a second opinion as well – from your doctor. You’re overdoing it with the exercises. Being too active might be an issue as well. Though exercise can improve fertility and overall body health, overdoing it can have reverse effects, directly impacting your energy levels and reproductive cycle. Try cutting down on your exercising days and leave time for your body to relax and keep the energy for some other things. Stressing out. ...

DIY Best Cellulite Scrub That Work Fast In 2 Days! With most Powerful Effective Ingredients

If your cellulite is making you uncomfortable and preventing you from showing off your legs this summer, check out our DIY cellulite scrub. Although most people have cellulite (and it’s completely normal), it still makes us feel uncomfortable. There are a lot of expensive cellulite creams on the market, but the truth is that they don’t really work and are all just loaded with unnecessary and sometimes harmful ingredients DIY CELLULITE SCRUB RECIPE This DIY cellulite scrub is SO easy to make and only requires a few ingredients. Use it 2-3 times a week for best results and massage for at least 3-5 minutes. The more consistent you are with using this scrub, the faster it will get rid of your cellulite by breaking down the fat cells and smoothing the skin. Ingredients: – 1 cup used coffee grounds – 1 cup coconut oil – 1/2 tbsp cinnamon – 1 cup brown or white sugar DIRECTIONS: 1- In a microwave safe bowl or a double boiler, melt your coconut oil. 2- Stir in coffee grounds, cinnamon, and whi...

Losing Weight Will Become Thrice As Easy With These 10 Tips

Shedding that excess weight can be very challenging for a lot of us. Following a strict diet or even a rigorous workout regimen is very difficult given the fact that time is very precious and equally scarce. But weight loss can be made fairly simple with a few useful habits which will bring about a complete lifestyle change. All you need to do is remember them and keep doing them as frequently as you can.You will be shocked to see how easy it is to get habituated. Researchers James Hill and Rena Wing have collected information about the habits of successful people. The advice they have can help you lose weight and keep fat away for good: 1. Always Be Positive It certainly is no cakewalk to even acknowledge weight gain, but it is vital to know that this is nothing to be depressed about. Everyone can lose weight.Even people who weighed well over 400 pounds have lost weight. So just be positive and believe that you will definitely be successful in reaching your goals. Motivation is key. 2...

Those are the Signs Parasites are Residing In Your Body!

Parasite infections have become quite common, but luckily there are plenty of natural ways to get rid of them. The first thing to do in such cases is to strengthen your immune system using certain herbs, before treating your parasite problem. How to Know If You Have Parasites? There are plenty of symptoms, and here is a list of the most common ones: Constant yeast infections such as Candida Appetite loss Headaches Unexplained hunger Constant fatigue Mood swings, depression, restlessness, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and irritability Gum bleeding Constant cravings for sugars and processed foods Sensitivities and allergies to foods Iron deficiency or anemia Skin issues like acne, lesions, hives, rashes, sores, ulcers, itching dermatitis, weeping eczema, and others Fidgeting and nervousness Issues with breathing Drooling during sleep and grinding of teeth Memory-related issues Menstrual issues with women/reproductive dysfunctions with men Stiff and sore joints Ithcing all over, particularl...

Eliminate All Wrinkles in One Week with This Powerful Natural Remedy

Most probably you have come across many different products that promise to help you get rid of wrinkles in one day. If you’ve tried any of these products you would know that they are not as effective as the companies present them. Wrinkles are considered to be aesthetic issue that can be a sign of aging, but also it might affect the self-esteem. We are going to present to present to you the best mask which can help you get rid of wrinkles in less than one week, and most importantly this mask is 100% natural. Here is how to prepare it: Ingredients : Raw honey – 2 tablespoons Egg yolks – 2 Vaseline – 4 tablespoons Coconut oil (or olive oil) – 2 tablespoons Instructions: You should put the Vaseline in a pot filled with warm water and stir it until it dissolves/melt completely. Next you need to add the egg yolks in the mixture and mix it well until you get fine homogenous mixture. Afterwards you should add the remaining ingredients and mix it. You should also warm up the mixture in order t...

Here Are 5 Things I Learned From Throwing My Legs Up A Wall Every Day !!!

This is an article for easy workout at home. You are going to see that throwing the legs in he air everyday is something which can bring you satisfaction and benefits. I still can’t believe how can such an easy exercise to bring you so much good. The original name of this exercise is called ‘viparita karani’ , which signifies rearranged in real life. The main reason why this exercise exists is to invert all the activities which we are making throughout the day. That is sitting, standing, running, making different shapes from out body. All the negative things which we are making to our body, this exercise will make them right. 5 bеnеfits yоu will gеt frоm dоing this mini еxеrcisе tо yоur bоdy: Thеy put thеir lеgs up thе wаll sо thе bаck cаn bе оn thе grоund аnd rеst. This hеlps yоur cоrd tо rеst, thе spinаl is аttаchеd tо thе flооr, sо yоu’vе bаsicаlly pоsitiоnеd аt 90оаnd yоur bаck is cоmplеtеly strаight. It hеlps with thе оvеrаll circulаtiоn аnd blооd flоw in yоur bоdy. This will аlsо...

Do You Have A Gap Between Your Teeth? This Is What It Means!

There are several surveys which dealt with the meaning of the gap between the two first teeth. Only in India it is discovered that there are more than a million people with a gap between the teeth. Also, the discovery shows that this presents and reveals something for the people’s behavior. Firstly, those people with a gap, are considered to be lucky. But some of them are ashamed of this, so they are spending a fortune to make a camouflage. In addition, we are presenting you the facts about the people with a gap between the teeth. Good with money They are thought that will be financial stable during their life. Moreover, these people also know how to organize their budget and save money. Too intelligent Also these people are characteristic because of their intelligence. And a good feature is their creative skill. Healthy eaters Next feature for these people with a gap is that they are eating healthy. They adore the homemade dishes, a lot of fruits and veggies. From this characteristic,...

Top 11 Foods That Will Help You Cleanse Your Lungs

The lungs are one of the most vital organs in our bodies. They are the sole organs responsible for the intake of much-needed oxygen from the atmosphere and transporting it to the heart from where the body organs can get it. Lungs are also one of the most vulnerable of organ systems; this is because they are very sensitive and prone to diseases and decay. Still, human beings face challenges that can be disastrous to their lungs on a daily basis. Two of the most common of these challenges are cigarette smoke and pollution. What one needs to understand here is, a lung transplant is not only one of the riskiest of procedures but also one of the most expensive ones ever. And one should not even let things go THAT downhill in the first place. Taking care of your lungs is of utmost importance. Assuming that you do not smoke, you still need to protect your lungs from second-hand smoke and pollution; here is the tricky part: you can’t really ask random strangers to stop smoking, unless they are...

Detecting Nutritional Deficiencies: All Hidden Symptoms of Nutritional Deficiencies

A healthy diet can provide all a growing body needs, but the reality of our busy lifestyles and sometimes finicky eating habits can lead to vitamin deficiency. Knowing what to look for is part of the battle. In this article, we’ll try to help you detect nutritional deficiencies. Also, note that symptoms are actually better indicators of nutritional deficiency than signs (In medicine a sign is objective while a symptom is subjective). Hands Cold hands: magnesium deficiency, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue with low cardiac output Nails White spots: mineral deficiency but often low zinc Ridges: zinc deficiency Soft or brittle nails: magnesium deficiency Bitten nails: general mineral deficiency Skin Stretch marks: zinc deficiency Follicular hyperkeratosis: vitamin A deficiency (picture below) Spontaneous bleeds: vitamins C or K or platelet deficiency Dry scaly skin with hair follicles plugged with coiled distorted hairs and a red halo: vitamin C deficiency Yellow palms: excessive beta caro...

Do you have hypothyroidism? Look at your hands

Our fingernails (and toenails actually) say so much about our health. It is mind-blowing when you look at the references listed at the bottom of this article the number of conditions of the nails associated with hypothyroidism including Alunula (absence of the Lunula, the little white moons of the bed of the nails), Onychorrhexis (longitudinal ridging of the nails), Beau’s Lines (transverse grooves or depressions of the nail plate), Koilonychia (spoon shaped nail plates), Onycholysis (separation of the nail from the nail bed), Pterygium Unguis (thinning of the nail fold and spreading of the cuticle over the nail plate), Onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nail), Yellow Nail Syndrome, brittleness, slow growth, and thickening. I first heard Dr. Peter Osborne describe the following common symptoms of hypothyroidism he notices in his patients’ nails and it got my mind racing. I dove into studies and books to figure out how low thyroid can affect even our nails. What the heck! Not even o...

The Ultimate Plank Challenge For 21 Days To Get The Perfect Body

Do you want that flat tummy with your abs hinting out? Also, do you not want to spend a lot of time in the gym? Well, then this program is best suited for you. It will give you a tight core and those abs you have always wanted. But, consistency is the key. You have to be consistent about what you want, and work out regularly. Maintain your diet too. Abs aren’t built while eating burgers and pizzas. Let’s get to it. A simple plank program, over 21 days. Day 1- 2 Do planks for 30 seconds. With proper form and posture. Day 3-7 Add a set to your planks- so, it gets 30 seconds x 2. Do one set in the morning, one at night.  If you can pull one single set for 60 seconds, more power to you. Day 8-10 Now, do two sets of 60 seconds. It might be getting tough for you, but don’t lose it now. Hold it, and start getting in the groove. Day 11- 15 Now you are an expert of the basic plank. So, try changing it. Up the ante into side planks, or superman planks, where one of your hand is in the air, w...

My Korean Friend Told me about This Gel , Using this since Last 15 Days and Suddenly my Skin looks as 21 years old !

Do you wanna look younger? I know we all want this, it is just impossible to hide your age but you can always look younger. For this you do not have to go under knife just follow some natural remedies and you can easily avoid aging signs that appear on your skin. Today in this post I will share one natural scrub that can remove aging signs like wrinkles, dark spots from your skin in just few applications like a magic.! Ingredients required 1 tablespoon baking soda ½ tablespoon honey 1 drop of pure lavender essential oil Directions: Combine the baking soda and honey together until it looks like a paste. Add one drop each of lavender and frankincense essential oils. Place a warm washcloth over your face and hold on skin for a minute or so to open up your pores. Gently rub face with facial scrub using small circular motions (be gentle with your skin!). Keep massaging skin with scrub for 3-5 minutes to fully remove dead skin from face and to let the essential oils work their magic. Rinse o...

Here Are 16 Signs Which Show You That Your Liver Is Overloaded with Different Toxins That Make You Fat!

The liver is a very important organ – it is responsible for over 400 processes in the body and it acts as a filter for every toxic material that enters our body. It is mainly responsible for filtering toxins besides controlling numerous other functions. Besides digesting fats and storing vitamins and minerals, the liver also processes nutrients from the food you consume, which is why we need to keep it in perfect shape at all times. The liver has two pathways for detoxification:     Phase 1 of liver detoxification – This phase involves using enzymes to transform these lipid-soluble toxins into less harmful substances that Phase 2 can now handle.     Phase 2 of liver detoxification – It involves pairing these battered up toxins with other molecules which increase their water-solubility so they can be safely removed from the body through the means of elimination. Even if you follow a healthy lifestyle, drink pure water, eat organic foods, use toxin-free cleaning and pe...

She Put Exactly 14 Eggs In Ice Cube Tray And Left It In The Freezer For 2 Hours. when She Saw What Happened Next She Decided To Do The Same Thing Every Day! Amazing!

The taste of frozen eggs is similar to the taste when they are thawed. So, grab more eggs when they are on sale or use them up when you have a lot about to expire too. All you have to do is take an ice cube tray, crack the eggs and add them in it without using any kind of spray or oils. Next, you should place the tray into the freezer and freeze until the eggs are frozen solid (approximately 2 hours). Once they are frozen you can remove the eggs from the container. In case they are stuck, let them sit in warm water for 1 minute and they will pop right out. Then, you can store them to a gallon sized freezer safe bag and keep them up to a year. When you need them, simply let them stay at room temperature and you can use them in any recipe. For instance, you can use them for baking, breading chicken, scrambled eggs, and french toast. If you prepare recipes which require only egg whites or egg yolks, then consider freezing them already separated. So, besides freezing ice and eggs, there ar...

This Is What The Shape Of your Butt Has To Say About Your Health !!!!

You know how people say, that women with a pear shape are the most fertile ones? Scientifically speaking, this is true because of their wide hips and the ability to have natural births easily than other women. But also, the shape of certain parts of the body can also tell about the health of the person. Such as, for an example, the butt. Scientifically speaking, the fats that are stored in the body can directly determine the health of the person. Fat storages are dangerous to be found in the chest or in the trunk area of the body, compared to the fats near the hips and the butt. Researches have found that the fat stored around the hips “keeps the fatty acids away from the heart, the arteries, and the liver to lower your risk of heart disease and other debilitating problems like diabetes. Since your body is ultimately programmed to decide whether to store the fat in the butt region or the stomach region, it is said that, in women, the hormones that direct and distribute fat are actually...

The Biggest Fat Burn Recipe Of All Time Is In Front Of You! You Can Lose 40 Pound In 1 Month

 SINCE ANCIENT TIMES, NATURE HAS BEEN THE MAIN SOURCE OF MEDICINE FOR HUMANS. IN IT WE CAN FIND ALL THE PROPERTIES AND NUTRIENTS THAT WE NEED TO CURE MANY DISEASES. That is why many have decided to leave conventional medicine aside to use natural medicine. The biggest advantage of this is that it is very cheap and it does not cause damage. A natural drink used to treat many things is prepared with lemon and chia. This powerful beat helps us prevent the flu, cleanse the body and prevent fat build up . That is why many people around the world have decided to include it in their diet. If you also want to do it, we will show you how to prepare easily in your home.  DRINK LEMON AND CHIA TO BURN ACCUMULATED FAT Each of these ingredients is very good and healthy. However, when we combine them into a drink, the result is surprising. The best part of all is that both are very cheap and easy to get. PREPARATION: To begin we must soak the seeds of chia for at least 1 hour. When they abso...

A Terrific Banana Drink That Will Burn Stomach Fat Immediately

The way I’m consuming bananas every day I think they will start to grow in my stomach. I’m kidding. My son says that I’m the real proof for the Darwin’s theory of evolution. You can see that he really loves me. I’m like a radar for bananas. I notice them everywhere. I love them in recipes like this. Weight loss smoothies are not the “real thing” without bananas. This time, I found a belly fat burning drink. It is said that if you consume this drink regularly you will be able to see the results within a week. The banana is that type of fruit that has a high level of potassium. This means that it builds strong muscles and has the ability to scare away the toxins out of your body. In combination with other nutritive ingredients, the banana is highly beneficial and efficient. Boost your body to burn fat. Use this drink and let’s see that fat part ways with your belly. Let’s see what I have prepared for you now. Ingredients:          1 banana       ...