You Can Know If You’re Healthy In Just 30 Seconds!

As we grow older, a lot of things change. We grow wiser, but also, our body loses a lot of the natural elements we were born with, such as calcium, vitamins and thus, the immune system gets weaker over time.

It is recommended that an average person should make a doctor’s check- up once every year. However, with the enormous prices of medical insurance and bills, not all of us are able to do so.

That’s why in today’s article we recommend trying these short tests at home, to check if you suffer from some serious diseases, just to have your own peace at mind.

1. Squeeze your hand into a fist.
Make a fist and hold your hand in the very same position for 30 seconds. After releasing, your palm has turned slightly whiter, which is normal because of the reduced blood in the vessels while squeezed.

Check how long your blood will come rushing back, turning your palm red again. If it takes a while, and even more, if you feel numbness, it might be a sign of arteriosclerosis.

2.Squeeze the roots of your nails.
take about 5 second to really squeeze the root of each fingernail. The blood should come rushing back for no more than 3 seconds, but if you feel intense pain while doing this, here’s what it means:

  •     Index finger – indicates colon problems as well as constipation
  •     Thumb – lung problems
  •     Middle finger – heart issues
  •     Ring finger – heart issues
  •     Little finger – problems with the small intestines

This is due to the fact that each finger is closely connected to each internal organ, as mentioned, and both, the middle and the ring finger are closely connected to the heart and have more blood vessels than the other fingers.

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